Brighton and Hove City Mission is recruiting a Children and Young People Lead who will pioneer mission work across the city for the under 25s.

The successful candidate will be a committed Christian with the ability to creatively communicate the gospel to children and young people, as well as have the ability to create and maintain relationships with children and youth workers in churches from across the city. Through inspiring individuals within congregations, they will enable the local church to have a lasting impact in their local school.

Brighton and Hove City Mission want to see a Christian presence in every place in the city. 25% of the population of Brighton and Hove are under 25, so ministry to children and young people is vital to fulfil this vision. With only 31% of the population of Brighton and Hove declaring that they are Christian, a decrease of 27% from the 2011 Census, it is more vital than ever that we continue to share the gospel.

Please download the application documents below for more details and how to apply: